One interesting piece of news from this election cycle in Florida: Big Sugar�s campaign contributions turned toxic. Except in the big money laundering scheme called political action committees.
Dixon writes that Book, sitting on a party war chest of a couple of million, has been unresponsive to the needs of struggling Democratic Senate campaigns. I�ll speculate why: there is some �ask� by the committees� contributors. What would that �ask� be? I�ll speculate again: it would be on the order of party discipline in delivering quad pro quos: the mother�s milk of American politics in the age of Citizens United.
Politico doesn�t venture into opinion, but I�d venture that the kind of grass roots activism that made Big Sugar�s money toxic in this election cycle makes the status quo very uneasy. One for all, and all for one?
Of course, Florida�s damaged tourism industry and reputation is directly linked to the fact the state is swimming in a sea of pollution, as a consequence of Big Sugar�s pollution of Florida�s waterways. The cartel operations of Big Sugar have controlled the state legislature for decades. Maybe Lauren Book needs a lesson plan how that worked, but not one scripted by her father.
And from Comedy Central today: