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- Oktober 2018
Oktober 2018

Comedy Central takes on Big Sugar, sort of ... by gimleteye
One interesting piece of news from this election cycle in Florida: Big Sugar�s campaign contributions turned toxic. Except in the big mon...
Sierra Club Blasts Rick Scott for Everglades Election Stunt
For Immediate Release Contact : Frank Jackalone October 30, 2018 ...
VOTERS: Boycott the GOP ... by Alan Farago
As the most important election in our lifetimes approach, it is worth another look: the March issue of Atlantic Magazine, in which Jonatha...
"Red Tide" Rick Scott needs a demotion not a promotion ... by Alan Farago
Photo courtesy of John Moran In a world blasted by twitter storms, one fears it is difficult to hold any voter's attention for longer th...
@brianklaas on the state of the nation and upcoming elections
Please read the following twitter thread by @brianklaas. He affirms reasons I will vote against Trump Republicans. For the first time in our...
Why, as a Jew, I'm voting against Donald Trump Republicans ... by Alan Farago
Auschwitz-Birkenau: the shoes of murdered Jews I am just returning from a visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland where my pate...
In the most consequential election in our lifetimes, voting against Trump Republicans is the only path ... by gimleteye
The Miami-Dade Republican Party�s County Chairman led an angry mob of partisans, alongside the local leader of national hate group the Proud...
When it comes to Florida politics, Big Sugar is an equal opportunity polluter ... by gimleteye
In politics, Big Sugar is an equal opportunity polluter: it casts its net wide irrespective of party affiliation. In this election cycle, Bi...
There is a very good reason to be outraged at the shadow cast by Putin over the Trump White House ... by gimleteye
Because the Cold War. Because the long history of persecution of minorities in Russia. Because Stalin. It may be the case that the baby boom...
NY Review of Books: "The Suffocation of Democracy" ...
In a week, I'm going to retrace family geography in East Europe for the first time, including Auschwitz where my paternal grandparents w...
The sugar industry only pretends to be a good neighbor: it's political candidates like "Red Tide Rick Scott" have laid waste to the state of Florida ... by gimleteye
Algae choked drainage canal in EAA sugar fields Ray Judah, former Lee County Commissioners, delivers a knock-out to the disinformation campa...

Too late, on Brett Kavanaugh and his family's bankers ...
OCTOBER 5, 2018 | DOUG VAUGHAN BREAKING: KAVANAUGH FATHER-SON CANCER POWDER KEG from the blog, Who, What, Why This article is based on a rev...

Florida Governor Rick Scott: Magician ... guest blog by Delaney Reynolds
The following, from Delaney's Blog: Miami Sea Rise Sleight of Hand: Florida�s Magician Governor Rick Scott October 5, 2018 Delaney Reyno...

This is Anonymous ...
Anonymous on Facebook, on Florida 's toxic environment, to voters: "You've done nothing to stop it."
Florida voters and the most consequential November election in American history ... by gimleteye
Feel like you are getting information overload? You are not alone. But hang on just a while longer: the most consequential election in moder...
A Shattering, Historic New York Times report of a president's tax evasion and lies: if you haven't read it, you must ... by gimleteye
The President of the United States is a tax cheat. For years, the President has derisively labeled the New York Times, as "failing...

For the calm version of how Gov. Rick Scott and a Republican majority lead to Florida's destroyed environment, read Margaret Good ... guest blog
Miami, it is time for voters to rise up. Vote for electeds who will protect your drinking water and not protect polluters' profits. The ...
John Moran: "Remembering Rick Scott: Farewell, My Muse" ... guest blog
Remembering Rick Scott: Farewell, My Muse by John Moran, Sept. 2018 As the Rick Scott era in Tallahassee winds down, I�ve been reflecting on...

Tallahassee court hears climate change lawsuit brought by the children ... by gimleteye
You may have read news this weekend that the Trump Administration buried its new acknowledgement of global warming in a massive transportati...