Big week in Miami-Dade County: District 5 county commission and SR 836 Extension at County Commission ... by gimleteye

Many years ago I founded the Hold The Line Coalition in Miami-Dade. It was an effort that grew out of earlier efforts to protect the Urban Development Boundary from the titanic forces of suburban sprawl. Not state laws or even the threat of an economic collapse in housing markets dented sprawl's momentum.

Today, traffic is so congested and intractable for many reasons but one in particular worthy of note this week: the un-reformable majority of the county commission permits massive new development to proceed without adequately planning, funding and implementing reasonable transit alternatives.

There is a county commission election today in the district serving much of Miami Beach and central Miami. The outcome will indicate whether voters have made the connection between traffic nightmares and a nightmarish county commission.

Eileen Higgins is the right candidate at the right time for District 5. Her opponent, the wife of longtime incumbent Bruno Barreiro, represents the lobbyist class and the sprawl supply chain who count on the county commissioner from Miami Beach to vote -- like the one TOMORROW at the county commission -- for more and more sprawl into former Everglades wetlands.

There is resistance to the plan by Mayor Carlos Gimenez to expand one of the arterial roadways in Miami-Dade into farmland and toward the Everglades. If you want to be part of that resistance, please show up at the county commission on Wednesday to lend your support.

If you want to be part of a rising tide of resistance and live in District 5, VOTE FOR EILEEN HIGGINS.

Here is a note from Sierra Club:


Dear Sierra Club Miami Group members and supporters,

Please take the time to call your county commissioner and key swing votes to stop the expansion of the State Road 836 toll road, and attend the County Commission Meeting, Wednesday to speak against it.

Why is this project a bad idea?
� This project would lead to increased urban sprawl
� This project would endanger freshwater resources
� This project would put citizens at risk: The lands in this area are low lying and flood prone.
� ?This project would displace agricultural land and harm our agricultural economy.

This project sits in direct conflict with everything the County should be doing to make us more resilient in the face of sea level rise. There�s an urgent need for infill development in high density areas near existing or planned transit corridors.

The only way forward is to look for sustainable solutions with a plan to build our infrastructure based on smart growth in policies and investments that encourage infill development, walkability, and transit oriented development which could be achieved by implementing the Seven50 plan (,which could be operated in conjunction with the SMART plan to offer a better menu of transportation options with a chance to build a strong, competitive, environmentally responsible and resilient region.

Read more on these risks.

What to do

Steps 1 & 2: Call & Email your own Commissioner and the swing votes in bold, ask them to HOLD THE LINE and deny SR 836 application 8, and to support transit-oriented infill development instead. Green means already in support. Plain means no need to call.

District 1: Barbara J. Jordan
Downtown 305-375-5393
District 305-636-2331

District 2: Jean Monestime
Downtown 305-375-4833
District 305-694-2779

District 3: Audrey M. Edmonson
Downtown 305-375-5393
District 305-636-2331

District 4: Sally A. Heyman
Downtown 305-375-5128
District 305-787-5999

District 6: Rebecca Sosa
Downtown 305-375-5690
District 305-267-6377

District 7: Xavier L. Suarez
Downtown 305-375-5680
District 305-375-5680

District 8: Daniela L. Cava
Downtown 305-375-5218
District 305-378-6677

District 9: Dennis C. Moss
Downtown 305-375-4832
District 305-245-4420

District 10: Javier D. Souto
Downtown 305-375-4835
District 305-222-2116

District 11: Joe A Martinez
Downtown 305-375-5511
District 305-552-1155

District 12: Jose �Pepe� Diaz
Downtown 305-375-4343
District 305-599-1200

District 13: Esteban L. Bovo Jr. (Chairman)
Downtown 305-375-4831
District 305-820-8424

Where & When?
Step 3: Speak out at the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners Meeting on Wednesday, June 20, 8:30 a.m.

Address: Stephen P. Clark Government Center;
111 NW 1st Street; Commission Chambers
Miami, Florida 33128. 2nd Floor

Take Metrorail to Government Center!