We voted in 2012, by a whopping margin of 77%, that we wanted term limits on County Commissioners. Some have been serving for almost 25 years. So what were the Commissioners debating yesterday? Repealing term limits. WHAT? Yes, They wanted a revote on that. We voted for it because the lobbyists were ruling the County. It has helped a little. At least we will finally get rid of the demented Javier Souto who has served since 1993. What a blessing that he will be gone.
Here is what Commissioner Audrey Edmonson said about term limits -- I believe she is very close to a County Commission lobbyist (it is the rumor that she is dating Roosevelt Broadley but we do know she has had help from him in her campaigns):
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Miami Herald Today: Audrey Edmonson's Unbelievable Quote. Hello, the County has always been run by Lobbyists. |
Because you are all in the mode of Facebook and Twitter, I won't bother writing anything more because you won't read it - go read the article in the Miami Herald.
But this is what TERM LIMITS got us for 25 years (some of the other Commissioners leave when he starts talking):
Here is a video I made of Javier Souto in 2011. Thank your lucky stars we will be rid of him soon. He mentions Miguel DeGrandy (a lobbyist) in this speech. He always, always mentions Cuba in every speech and he has a euphonium for me and some you: "The wine and cheese set living East of Biscayne Blvd." He did have one good vote against chain link fences in front yards.
Here is one I made from 2010 about bi-lingual phonebooks:
CDMP hearing Truck Parking outside the UDB:
Genting Casino hearing: