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- Mei 2018
Mei 2018
My Friend, Richard Grosso Sounds Off on Growth's Insanity in Florida. By Geniusofdespair
As our UDB faces assault by developers...And an expanded highway is proposed along the UDB and supported by our zany Mayor Gimenez, NSU Law...

Sun Sentinel: Excellent OPED on the corruption of corporate money in Florida politics ... by gimleteye
THIS SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING TO FLORIDA VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS. Florida�s campaign swamp is wider and deeper than Publix | Editorial The up...
Who Will Be The Next Mayor of Miami Dade County? By Geniusofdespair
Rebeca Sosa, Esteban Bovo embracing Carlos Gimenez (looking at each other with goofy eyes), and Daniella Levine Cava. I woke this morning th...
Congressional Candidate David Richardson took Sugar Money? by Geniusofdespair
You might not know who these guys are but they are the executives of US Sugar � LUIS FERNANDEZ IS EXECUTIVE VP AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER A...

Bullsugar: Snakes On A Plain ... by gimleteye
The South Florida Water Management District excels in distraction and diversion. These serve a purpose: to deflect attention from the multi-...
Donna Shalala on Lennar's Board? By Geniusofdespair
The Blue Wave in U.S. Congressional District 27 In a press release, Congressional hopeful, David Richardson said it was "Effectively a ...
Eileen Higgins: County Commission District 5 ! ... by gimleteye
Defying conventional wisdom, first time candidate and Democrat, Eileen Higgins, defeated better known Republican rivals in a non-partisan pr...

HBO "The Final Year" ... by gimleteye
The emotion I felt, at the conclusion of the excellent HBO documentary "The Final Year", is in one word: "devastation". ...

District 5 County Commission: Eileen Higgins ... by gimleteye
For many years, Miami Beach and the western edges of District 5 was under-served by Bruno Barreiro, whose place was cemented by campaign con...
Angry with the world and....Read on, it might be you too! By Geniusofdespair
From the New Yorker Magazine I will never be the same. NEVER My life with therapy taught me two lessons: don�t minimize and don�t deny: in o...
Stop Shopping At Publix ... the corporation has given nearly three quarters of a million dollars to GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam in the past three years ... by gimleteye
Read this excellent OPED in the Palm Beach Post. We are unaccustomed to newspaper editorial boards pushing back against political orthodoxie...
SNL grabs Donald Trump by the Pussy ... by gimleteye
SNL writers are quick, but even they couldn't react fast enough to catch Trump's capitulation to North Korea demands that the US sto...
Big Sugar Money Is Turning Toxic To Florida Politics ... by gimleteye
Because of Big Sugar's chokehold on Florida politicians, what happened in 2016 -- massive toxic algae outbreaks -- will happen again. Kn...

Betraying my Husband, Fukushima's Nukes and All That Jazz. By Geniusofdespair
I always look in on Fukushima's nuclear disaster of 2011, when there was a meltdown of 3 of their reactors. It was a cascade of events ...
REFORM SUGAR SUBSIDIES NOW! Wall Street Journal Agrees With Eye On Miami! ... by gimleteye
A Chance for Sugar Welfare Reform A bipartisan coalition could reduce the worst farm subsidy. A Chance for Sugar Welfare Reform By The Edit...

Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board Cheers For Sugar Policy Reform (Just Like Eye On Miami!) ... by gimleteye
The Tampa Bay Times says it just like we do, maybe a little more diplomatically: Big Sugar poisons people, poisons Democracy, and poisons th...

Matt Haggman for Congressional District 27. By Geniusofdespair
Here is Matt Haggman on the Michael Putney show. Make your own decision for this blue wave US Congressional Seat 27. I will be voting for Ma...

C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N ... by gimleteye
Really good piece, by Axios, summarizing the bill of charges against Donald Trump, not yet criminal indictments. Leads to question: Republic...
America Dream Mall: A Totally Predictable Nightmare ... by gimleteye
Next week the Miami-Dade County Commission will vote on the America Dream Mall; one of the largest, if not the largest, malls in the United ...

How Gov. Rick Scott Crapped In Florida's Water Future: the case of George Lindemann v. Maggy Hurchalla ... by gimleteye
We've written exhaustively about the lawsuit and its implications: that Maggy Hurchalla (nee Reno) -- born and raised in what is now Ken...
The Blue Wave is Coming...with a whimper. By Geniusofdespair
SIGH! THAT'S IT? This is the favored candidate of the Democrats to send to Congress in district 27? Get excited young people...
Condo King Jorge Perez: "Besides I'll be dead, so what does it matter?" ... by gimleteye
Politicians plan for sea level rise, by Spanish artist Isaac Cordel The New York Times repeats a quip by Miami Condo King and local billiona...

The Republican Race For Governor, Rick Scott, and Donald Trump ... by gimleteye
The online blog -- Florida Politics -- has coyly tracked Big Sugar's talking points in the past. Peter Schorsch, publisher and founder o...
They Want to Build a STEEL MILL in Hudstead With Miami Dade Mayor Gimenez's Blessings as He Had to Recuse Himself. By Geniusofdespair
Miami Dade County's most notorious city for UP-TO-NO-GOOD, Homestead, is being slated for...wait for it...an eco-friendly steel mill. Ju...
INCREDIBLE: How GOP politics in Florida is poisoned by Big Sugar ... by gimleteye
Read this incredible news report in Politico. On an evening when the top GOP candidates sparred for the first time in public, Big Sugar...