Toxic waters linked to cancer and Alzheimer's dusted by Big Sugar in Florida mid-term elections ... by Alan Farago
On Twitter, former Reagan official Bruce Bartlett summed up the GOP response to climate change. He wrote: "There is no conceivable resp...
Matt Caldwell: don't let the door hit you on the way out ... by Ray Judah
Eye On Miami has written extensively on Ray Judah, a former county commissioner from Lee County who had served his community for 24 years wh...
Rick Scott, Adam Putnam, and Matt Caldwell: Part 2, Turbulent Waters For Florida's Toxic Trio ... by Alan Farago
Everglades Agricultural Area, algae filled drainage ditch Before Florida's midterm election, the media filled with news reports and visu...
3rd rate hacks point the ???? toward constitutional crises Dark Money Paid New ...

HUGE Election tomorrow ... VOTE~!~ ... Alan Farago
Tomorrow, vote like your life depends on the outcome. Millennials: you stayed at home in 2016 and helped elect an illegitimate president who...

Florida Voters: let's get this right on state agriculture commissioner ... Nikki Fried is the right choice ... by gimleteye
We've written extensively about Big Sugar's candidate for state agriculture commissioner. His name is Matt Caldwell and his entire ...

The Stop Harmful Discharges Act would help immensely ... guest blog
The Stop Harmful Discharges Act would help immensely | Guest column Peter Girard Published 10:14 a.m. ET Nov. 1, 2018 | Updated 10:15 a.m. E...

Comedy Central takes on Big Sugar, sort of ... by gimleteye
One interesting piece of news from this election cycle in Florida: Big Sugar�s campaign contributions turned toxic. Except in the big mon...
Sierra Club Blasts Rick Scott for Everglades Election Stunt
For Immediate Release Contact : Frank Jackalone October 30, 2018 ...
VOTERS: Boycott the GOP ... by Alan Farago
As the most important election in our lifetimes approach, it is worth another look: the March issue of Atlantic Magazine, in which Jonatha...
"Red Tide" Rick Scott needs a demotion not a promotion ... by Alan Farago
Photo courtesy of John Moran In a world blasted by twitter storms, one fears it is difficult to hold any voter's attention for longer th...
@brianklaas on the state of the nation and upcoming elections
Please read the following twitter thread by @brianklaas. He affirms reasons I will vote against Trump Republicans. For the first time in our...